Privacy Policy



  1. “personal information” is as defined in the Promotion of Access to Information Act No 2 of 2000 (“PAIA”).
  2. “this website” means and and all sub pages thereof excluding links to external sites.
  3. “user” means any person accessing any part of the web site.
  4. “website owner” and/or “we” means Property360 (Pty) Ltd.
  5. “Processing definition” any activity that involves the use of Personal Data. It includes obtaining, recording or holding the data, or carrying out any operation or set of operations on the data including organising, amending, retrieving, using, disclosing, erasing or destroying it.
  6. “Direct marketing” to approach a data subject, with their consent, either in person or by mail or electronic communication, for the direct or indirect purpose of: promoting or offering to supply, in the ordinary course of business, any goods or services to the data subject; includes emails, sms’s and automatic calling machines.
  7. “Opt out” data subject is given the right to choose not to participate at the time the information is collected and each time such communication is sent.

Status and Amendments

  1. This Privacy Policy forms part of the Terms and Conditions of Use of this web site. If you do not agree with this Policy then you may not use this website.
  2. The website owner reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy at any time. While the website owner will attempt to flag changes to this Policy as and when implemented, users remain at all times responsible for ensuring that they are aware of the current terms of this Policy whenever accessing this web site, and continued use of the site subsequent to any amendments having been affected constitutes users’ acceptance of the Policy as amended.

Collection of personal data

Where personal information (such as your name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and credit card information) is submitted to the site by the user, for example through sending an e-mail or filling in required fields, the following principles are observed in the handling of that information:

  • This website collects, processes and stores only such personal information regarding users as is necessary to provide the services offered. The specific purpose for which information is collected is apparent from the context in which it is requested.
  • This website will not use the personal information submitted for any other purpose other than the efficient provision of services, including this web site and services offered through it by third parties, without obtaining the prior written approval of the user or unless required to do so by law.
  • This website will keep records of all personal information collected and the specific purpose for which it was collected for a period of one year from the date on which it was last used. d. This website will not disclose any personal information regarding a user to any third party unless the prior written agreement of the user is obtained or the website is required or permitted to do so by law.
  • If information is released with the user’s consent this website will retain a record of the information released, the third party to which it was released, the reason for the release and the date of release, for a period of one year.
  • This website will destroy or delete any personal information under its control which has become obsolete.
  • Information collected about users through their use of this website is the property of the website owner.
  • The website owner will retain all ownership of and copyright in any database of users’ personal information.
  • No credit card information is retained or stored by the website owner.

Collection of anonymous data

  1. Note that, as permitted by the ECT Act, this website may use personal information collected to compile profiles for statistical purposes and trade in these profiles. No information contained in the profiles or statistics will be able to be linked to any specific user.
  2. In order to provide the best possible and most relevant service, this website may use standard technology to collect information about the use of this site. This technology is not able to identify individual users but simply allows this website to collect statistics.
  3. This website utilises cookies. A cookie is a small file that is placed on the user’s hard drive in order to keep a record of a user’s interaction with this website.
    1. Cookies from this website allow the website owner to tailor advertising and other services to your displayed preferences. The website may use third party cookies from an adserver for this purpose.
    2. Cookies by themselves cannot be used to personally identify users but will be used to compile anonymised statistics relating to use of services offered or to provide us with feedback on the performance of this website.
  4. If a user does not wish cookies to be employed to customize his or her interaction with this website it is possible to alter the manner in which their browser handles cookies. Please note that, if this is done, certain services on this website may not be available.

Links to other web sites

  • We have no control over and accept no responsibility for the privacy practices of any third party sites to which hyperlinks may have been provided and we strongly recommend that you review the privacy policy of any site you visit before using it further.


  1. While reasonable measures are taken to ensure the security and integrity of information submitted to this site, this web site can not under any circumstances be held liable for any loss or other damage sustained by a user or users as a result of the intentional or accidental release of information by an employee of the web site owner or any third party.
  2. Users and/or subscribers are prohibited from releasing their username and/or password to any other person.

Children's privacy

  • We regard the safety and privacy of children using this web site extremely seriously but it remains the ultimate responsibility of the parents and other care-givers of children to ensure that they are not exposed to inappropriate content or behaviour.


Date of Last Review: 05 June 2024

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